Girraween High School

Aspire - Respect - Unite

Telephone02 9636 7293

About our school

Girraween High School is a selective school where the staff is committed to offering a wide range of educational experiences in order to develop students to their full potential. There is a strong emphasis on providing a diverse and challenging curriculum for our students. As the vast majority of our students pursue tertiary studies our curriculum is of necessity academic.

The curriculum at Girraween High School relates to the processes by which learners acquire knowledge, skills and attitudes. Therefore teaching and learning programs reflect the identification of our students' needs, the prescription and range of learning outcomes, teaching processes and strategies, as well as assessment and evaluation. Academic achievement is stressed. At Girraween High School we focus on developing lifelong learners by fostering each student's talent and potential. Only when students are happy and secure can meaningful learning take place. Thus we recognise the importance of student welfare and ensure its integration into all aspects of the curriculum.

We strive to:

  • Foster active learners who can work both independently and collaboratively
  • Encourage critical thinking skills
  • Instil respect and tolerance for others
  • Encourage students to have and fulfil the highest possible expectations of themselves
  • Develop skills in technology and its application

Girraween High School is an academically selective coeducational high school with a focus on providing a balanced and positive education experience for our students. Student wellbeing and academic excellence are fostered through an integrated and comprehensive approach using our positive education model to build on student strengths. Resilience and mentoring programs, coupled with an ethos of high expectations, lead to outstanding student achievement. Our core values aspire, respect and unite permeate our school community. Music, the arts, sport, and co-curricular activities ensure high levels of student engagement.

The selective environment

Students are selected to enter this school on the basis of their academic performance. Academically talented students will benefit from being part of a group of students keen to achieve academic excellence.  This leads to the development of sound work and study habits and high aspirations. Classes are safe and engaging with committed and motivated students and teachers. The school has an enrolment of 760 students. Enrolment is limited to 120 students in Years 7-10 and 140 students in Years 11-12. This allows the school to cater for the needs of the individual in a caring atmosphere. 

Safe, engaging classes

Academically talented students will benefit from being part of a group of students keen to achieve academic excellence. This leads to the development of sound work and study habits and high aspirations.


Stimulating and challenging programs of study have been devised to cover a wide scope within each subject.  Furthermore, the nature of the student group allows for greater depth of treatment in many aspects of the courses.  In addition, certain courses can be offered which may not attract sufficient interest in other schools.  In Year 11 and Year 12 a large number of classes are formed in subjects at the highest level of study.


It is the expectation of our staff that students will do well. Our students are aiming for entry to university.  Our record in preparing students for further study is reflected by 100% of applicants gaining university places.

Dedicated staff

Dedicated, well trained staff prepare and deliver learning experiences that meet the cognitive and affective needs of gifted students. Every teacher is committed to ensuring that all students are provided with opportunities to achieve and exceed their potential. Many teachers regularly undertake Higher School Certificate marking which provides additional expertise in the classroom.


Our wellbeing program is designed to meet the academic, emotional and social needs of gifted and talented students. The range of programs are all based on the principles of positive psychology and the Girraween High School positive education model.

Enrichment and extension opportunities

A broad range of enrichment and extension opportunities are offered in academic, sporting, creative and performing arts and leadership opportunities. These include many opportunities to participate in competitions and programs across all subject areas. For more information please visit our school website.

Student leadership and community involvement

Our students have ample opportunity to develop their skills through many Co-curricular activities.


Students benefit from having access to:

  • Well-equipped computer rooms
  • Wi-Fi network and Interactive whiteboards
  • Multimedia technology
  • Online lessons and tasks
  • Bring your own device (BYOD) program

Creative and performing arts

Girraween High School offers extensive programs in music, art and drama offering students the opportunity to join in various in-school, regional and state productions.


All students in Years 7 to 11 participate in weekly recreational or house sport. Students can also participate in interschool knockout competitions. The school is part of the Blacktown zone giving students the opportunity to represent the school at higher levels in a number of sports including swimming, cross country and athletics.


Peer support camps are organised for students in Years 7 and 10.

Sister school

We have a sister school agreement with Hisai High School in Japan which encourages the exchange of information, teachers and students. Students have the opportunity to visit our host school in Japan each September and also host visiting students every March.