Girraween High School

Aspire - Respect - Unite

Telephone02 9636 7293

Years 8 to 11 Enrolment Information

Applications for Year 8 to Year 11 2026 entry to Girraween High School will open Wednesday 18th June 2025 and close Friday 25th July 2025 . NO late applications will be accepted.

To apply for Girraween High School entry 2026, you need to do the following: 

1. Application Form (Click here)
Bring in or mail Application Form into office at Girraween High School along with the payment / receipt and relevant documentation listed below. (If mailing in Form , this needs to be stamp dated before 25th July 2025) WE DO NOT ACCEPT APPLICATIONS VIA EMAIL.

2. Pay the application fee (Click Here).
$130 application fee: If you are sitting the exam at Girraween High School (choice 1) or $50 if your child is undertaking HAST at another school. Click on "Add Item". Please be mindful and add your child's name in the name field.

The HAST Selective exam will be held on Saturday 9th August 2025.

Students must compete academically with all other candidates for entry to Girraween High School.

In determining academic merit, the selection committee will consider:

  1. The results of the entry test
  2. The application with its supporting documentation as listed below.
  • Original (not copy) of Birth Certificate, Australian Citizenship, Permanent Residency Certificate  or Visa.
  • Photocopies of student's 2024 half-yearly and yearly reports, and the 2025 half-yearly report.
  • Photocopies of last NAPLAN report.
  • Photocopies of external academic achievements for the past two years.
  • Photocopies of evidence of participation in extra-curricular activities. 

Any other information supplied by the candidate.

Vacant positions for enrolment in Years 8, 9 and 11 are generally subject to availability due to a current student leaving Girraween High School. In Year 10, an extra class is created. This allows us to create smaller class sizes in Year 10, and also allows the enrolment of a greater number of new students than Years 8, 9 and 11.

You are entitled to apply for entry up to a maximum of 3 selective high schools. Each high school must receive their own application form and the order of preference must be listed the same on all applications. If the test date is the same, the student is to sit the test at their first preference school.

Girraween High School shares results with

  • Caringbah High School
  • Fort Street High School (Year 11 Exam)
  • Gosford High School
  • Hornsby Girls High School
  • Hurlstone Agricultural High School
  • Macquarie Fields High School
  • Northern Beaches Secondary College Manly Campus
  • Penrith High School
  • Sydney Technology High School
  • St George Girls High School

Students cannot automatically transfer between selective high schools. If a student is already enrolled at a selective high school and wants to go to another, the parents must fill out an application form for entry and lodge it directly with the selective high school they want their child to attend and follow their application procedures.

Enrolment into Year 12 would, in the majority of circumstances, be an educational disadvantage for the student.  Therefore enrolment into Year 12 would be highly unlikely and would be at the discretion of the Principal and the School's Director Educational Leadership.

Girraween High School Enrolment Policy.

Test procedures

The test focuses on reading comprehension, written expression, mathematical reasoning and abstract reasoning.

View a copy of the candidate information bulletin (PDF 374KB) for more information regarding the test

higher ability selection test (HAST) sample question booklet  has been developed in response to candidates wanting to know what the actual test is like. This booklet is suitable for Year 7 and 8.

There is no specific sample question book for Years 9 to 11, however Acer bookshop has advised us that the Acer scholarship test sample collection of questions is very similar to HAST test and is an option. this booklet includes a section for junior, middle and senior secondary levels however they do not include abstract reasoning. To purchase an online practice test for level 2 (Year 9 to 10) and level 3 (Year 11), parents will need to create a parent account in the scholarship online application system to purchase.

For further information about these tests please contact Acer.

Phone: 03 9277 5447
Fax: 03 9277 5499

All applicants for Year 8-11 are required to sit for the HAST on the specified date unless they are covered by Section 2.5(illness/misadventure) of our Enrolment Policy.

ACER does not make provision for HAST to be undertaken outside of registered centres.This means that applicants must sit for the HAST at Girraween High School or one of the schools which have an agreement to share results.HAST is a secure paper-based test which is not avaliable outside of registered centres.Non-return of materials, and non-standard test conditions pose significant risks to the security of the program.The policy is applied across the board with all HAST requests.

During the Covid-19 pandemic,Girraween High School made accommodations for applicants who could not sit for the HAST due to Government travel restrictions.As all travel restrictions within and into Australia have been removed we are no longer making accommodations for the Covid-19 pandemic as per 3.3 of our Enrolment Policy. Hence,there is no other process for students to be considered outside of the HAST and portfolio process.


Please complete application checklist and attach to application package. 


Subjects Offered at GHS

The links below give an overview of subjects we offer at Girraween High School. Once students are offered a position at this school they will be asked to choose their subjects / electives based on line structure and availability.

Year 9 and 10  Subjects offered

Year 11 Subjects offered