Girraween High School

Aspire - Respect - Unite

Telephone02 9636 7293


Chemistry in science Years 11 to 12 provides students with a contemporary and coherent understanding of matter and its interactions. It focuses on investigating the physical and chemical properties of substances, chemical reactions and processes, and the interaction of energy and matter, and attempts to explain and predict events at the atomic and molecular level.

The study of chemistry recognises that a study of the nature of materials includes natural and made substances, their structures, changes and environmental importance. The history and philosophy of science as it relates to the development of the understanding, utilisation and manipulation of chemical systems is important in developing current understanding in chemistry and its applications in the contexts of technology, society and the environment.

Chemistry in Years 11 to 12 draws upon and builds onto the knowledge and understanding, skills, and values and attitudes developed in Years 7 to 10 science. It further develops students' understanding of science as a continually developing body of knowledge, the role of experiment in deciding between competing theories, the provisional nature of scientific explanations, the interdisciplinary nature of science, the complex relationship between evidence and ideas and the impact of science on society.

The study of chemistry involves the students working individually and with others in practical, field and interactive media experiences related to the theoretical concepts considered in the course. It is expected that students studying chemistry will apply investigative and problem-solving skills, effectively communicate the theoretical concepts considered in the course and appreciate the contribution that a study of chemistry makes to our understanding of the world.

The chemistry Years 11 to 12 course is designed for those students who have a substantial achievement level based on the Years 7 to 10 science course performance descriptors. The subject matter of the chemistry course recognises the different needs and interests of students by providing a structure that builds upon the foundations laid in Years 9 to 10 yet recognises that students entering Years 11 to 12 have a wide range of abilities, circumstances and expectations.


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