Ensemble information
Concert band
Concert band is an ensemble designed for students with high levels of musicianship, instrumental ability and ensemble experience. The concert band is called upon for many performances throughout the year. A high standard of participation and playing is expected from students. Repertoire ranges from jazz, western art music, popular, musicals & film music.
Instruments accepted in this ensemble:
Flute, oboe, bassoon, clarinet, bass clarinet, alto saxophone, tenor saxophone, baritone saxophone, trumpet, trombone, euphonium/baritone, tuba, keyboard bass (limited number), bass guitar (limited number), glockenspiel (alternative for piano players, limited number), drums and percussion (limited numbers).
Stage band
Stage band is an ensemble designed for students with an interest in jazz, popular and big band music. The stage Band often accompanies other musicians for school and high school certificate performances. A very high standard of playing expected as well as the opportunity for students to develop solo and improvisation skills. The stage band mostly consists of senior students, however exceptions are made for younger students with capable abilities.
Instruments accepted in this ensemble:
Alto saxophone, tenor saxophone, baritone saxophone, trumpet/clarinet, trombone, euphonium/baritone, piano, guitar, bass guitar, percussion, drums.
Intermediate band
Intermediate band is an ensemble designed for students mostly in their second or third year of playing. The level of music played in intermediate band is of an easier standard than concert Band. Most students progress to this band after their first year of playing with the beginner band.
Instruments accepted in this ensemble:
Flute, oboe, bassoon, clarinet, bass clarinet, alto saxophone, tenor saxophone, baritone saxophone, trumpet, trombone, euphonium/baritone, tuba, keyboard bass (limited number), bass guitar (limited number), glockenspiel (alternative for piano players, limited number), drums and percussion (limited numbers).
Beginner band
Beginner band is an ensemble designed for students who are taking up an instrument for the first time or students taking up a second instrument for the first time. Students learn from method books and later progress to sheet music throughout the year.
Instruments accepted in this ensemble:
Flute, oboe, bassoon, clarinet, bass clarinet, alto saxophone, tenor saxophone, baritone saxophone, trumpet, trombone, euphonium/baritone, tuba, keyboard bass (limited number), bass guitar (limited number), glockenspiel (alternative for piano players, limited number), drums and percussion (limited numbers).
Frequently asked questions
If you have any further questions, please speak to Miss Klepekto in the music department 02 9636 7293.
Which instruments can I hire from Girraween High School?
The band scores from which we read use the following instruments.
- Flute
- Clarinet
- Alto saxophone
- Tenor saxophone
- Trumpet
- Trombone
We also have the following speciality instruments, however their use needs to be discussed with Mr. Klepekto first.
- Baritone saxophone
- Bass Clarinet
- Oboe
The following instruments can still be played in the ensemble programs, however places are limited. These instruments can't be hired as they are kept at the school – there is no hire fee associated with this role in the ensembles.
- Bass Guitar
- Drums & Percussion
- Keyboard Bass (left hand only)
Are there lessons given at the school?
There are no formal lessons given at the school so we strongly encourage finding a private tutor. The beginner band rehearses every Friday lunch – students are expected to practise material during the week. On occasions senior students may assist students with learning their instrument within the rehearsal. A list of local tutors will be compiled later in the year. The rehearsal is run weekly by Miss Klepekto.
Are there any band fees?
There are no general band fees for the ensemble program at Girraween High School. Money from the hire of instruments goes towards maintaining them. Print music comes out of the general music budget of the school.
Does the whole band rehearse together at the start?
Winds (brass and woodwind) will rehearse on a different day (this will be advised) for the first couple of weeks until students get used to their instruments a bit more. Percussion, keyboard bass & bass guitar players will rehearse on Fridays at lunch. Both groups will combine after a couple of weeks to form the beginner band. The beginner band's first performance will generally be at the end of year Christmas concert. If students are constantly not at rehearsal they may have their instrument taken from them. Reminders do go out at assembly however it is the responsibility of students to be present at rehearsal.
Do I have to buy any books for beginner band?
No, students are given exercises which they can take home to get them started. It is recommended that students print off a fingering chart off Google images. Each student is given a practice part photocopy for any sheet music, please see Miss Klepekto if you lose it.
What happens if I don't get the instrument I want?
While we try to cater for everyone, sometimes a particular instrument or role will be unavailable due to high demand. An alternative may be suggested in this case. Sometimes a student may pull out and a spot may open up for this. A reserve list is compiled so that students who may have missed out may get another chance get the instrument they want. We are very low on brass players (trombone and trumpet) at the moment.
What happens if I don't want to continue?
We encourage students to give their instrument or role a good attempt for a couple of terms as it can take some time to start playing them properly and get to a point where they really enjoy it. If students have paid for a full year and don't want to continue learning their instrument at the end of Term 2, a refund of $80.00 will be mailed out to the student's home address. Students can also swap instruments if they are available. Unfortunately students will not be refunded for a half year payment if they decide not to continue.
Can I store my instrument at school?
Yes, hired instruments or personal instruments can be stored in the back cupboards of Miss Klepekto's room or in the middle room of the music department.
What if my instrument doesn't have a cleaning kit?
Many of our instruments haven't had proper cleaning kits in them. A portion of the music budget has been set aside for 2013 to buy new cleaning kits for all instruments. We should receive these in the next few weeks. Students playing clarinet and saxophones need to buy their own reeds – generally size 1 ½ to start on (any brand – just state which instrument in music stores, best to buy a few reeds (3-4), don't let them sell you a whole box).
What if my instrument isn't working properly?
Please see Miss Klepekto as soon as possible if you have a fault with your instrument. All instruments are serviced and checked before going out, however on occasions small repairs are needed. If the student is at fault for the repair due to negligence, a letter and invoice will be sent out to the student's home address. Students and parents have a responsibility to look after the hired instruments.