Girraween High School

Aspire - Respect - Unite

Telephone02 9636 7293

Changes to NSW public schools' finance system

Girraween High School will transition to the new NSW public schools' finance system on 24 July 2017.  To ensure a smooth transition, there will be changes to the way we accept payments.


Online payments

From 4pm 30 June 2017 to 9am 24 July 2017, online payments will be temporarily suspended.  From 9am 24 July 2017, we will again be able to accept payments using the Department of Education's Parent Online Payment system.  You can access the online payment system by accessing the '$  Make a payment' tab on the utility bar on the front page of our school's website.


EFTPOS, Cash and Cheque payments

We will not be able to accept EFTPOS, Cash and Cheque payments between 30 June 2017 to

24 July 2017.  From 25 July 2017, EFTPOS, Cash and Cheque payments will again be accepted.